
an interactive project exploring the experience and aesthetic of fast food advertisement.
A playable game where balls are shot at different walls. Each wall has a different sound and is connected to a Max patch via OSC. The rhythmic quality of the bouncing explores the relationship of physical architecture with rhythm. Made in Godot.
An adaptive video project where each frame of a video segment is placed on a grid on the screen, and the width of each frame is mapped to the audio's volume. Made in MAX/MSP
An interactive visual instrument where an ER-1 Electribe drum synth sequences percussion while simultaneously sequencing shapes in real-time. Made with MAX/MSP.
A visit to the grocery store leads to a surgery
A film inspired by extraterrestrial life, with music by Elektor.
2023 - Undergraduate Thesis
An interactive sampler-sequencer and synthesizer. The audience uses magnets and markers to create sound.